President Roberto Mukaro Borrero of the Taino Nation Receives the Golden Rule International Award


October 4, 2013 by Brian Williams Ph.D.

Monika Arrington stands in proxy for Dr. Roberto Mukaro who receives Golden Rule International Award

Dr Rivers presents Monika Ponton-Arrington who stands in proxy for Dr. Roberto Mukaro receives Golden Rule International Award.

The President of the United Confederation of Taino People, Dr. Roberto Mukaro Borrero receives the Golden Rule International Award from the Director of the North American Division of the Interfaith Peace Building Initiative to the United Nations in New York and African Union.

Kasike (Chief) Mukaro received this prestigious international award for standing up for the Taino Nation when the world systems said the Taino people did not exist anymore. He fought to keep his nation recognized as a legitimate people group. The United States Census now recognizes the Taino people.

Ambassador Clyde Rivers is quoted by saying, “It was an act of valor for President Borrero to put his people back on the map of the world. This is truly the Golden Rule in motion. It is a great honor to have President Roberto Mukaro Borrero as a Good Will Ambassador for the Golden Rule worldwide.” 

President Roberto Mukaro Borrero of the United Confederation of Taino People

President Roberto Mukaro Borrero of the United Confederation of Taino People

The Golden Rule International Award is now established in 120 nations of the world. This organization seeks out top achievers that live the Golden Rule in their everyday life. This is a new global ethic that the leadership of the Golden Rule International Award, Patron, current President of Ethiopia, Girma Wolde and Ambassador Mussie Hailu has embraced and is promoting globally. Golden Rule International is also affiliated with the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative (IPI), African Union, the United Nations as well as the United Religions Initiative (URI).

3 thoughts on “President Roberto Mukaro Borrero of the Taino Nation Receives the Golden Rule International Award

  1. […] President Roberto Mukaro Borrero of the Taino Nation Receives the Golden Rule International Award ( […]

  2. […] President Roberto Mukaro Borrero of the Taino Nation Receives the Golden Rule International Award ( […]

  3. […] President Roberto Mukaro Borrero of the Taino Nation Receives the Golden Rule International Award ( […]

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